5 Signs Your Anxiety Is Problematic

It’s natural for you to experience stress or feel worried from time to time, but if you’re feeling persistent fear or even panic in non-threatening situations, it may be a sign that you have an anxiety disorder.

At Klarity Clinic, the experienced anesthesiology team understands how overwhelming anxiety can be. As the most common mental disorder in the United States, anxiety often requires medical intervention to help you get your feelings and fears under control.

The Klarity Clinic medical team is skilled in using ketamine infusion therapy to lessen the effects of anxiety and give you back a high quality of life.

An overview of anxiety

Anxiety describes a condition in which you feel persistently worried or fearful, even when the situation doesn’t call for it. When you have an anxiety disorder, your fear and worry become excessive and disrupt your normal routine.

Many different types of anxiety can negatively impact your life. Some experience anxiety during specific situations, such as being away from others (separation anxiety) or when confronted with an object or situation they fear (phobia).

Many people live with a generalized anxiety that causes them to worry unnecessarily about things out of their control. You may also be prone to a panic disorder that causes a sense of overwhelming fear, often for no identifiable reason.

Other types of anxiety disorders include:

You may also have anxieties about your body image that can lead to other mental health conditions, like anorexia or bulimia.

Differentiating normal worries from an anxiety disorder

Your body is equipped with an alert system to warn you of potential danger. For instance, if you’re hiking in the woods and hear strange noises, your body reacts physically. You may experience:

Typically, those feelings go away when you realize you aren’t in danger.

With an anxiety disorder, you may experience those feelings and physical changes at any time of the day for no specific reason.

When anxiety becomes problematic

The medical team at Klarity Clinic recommend seeking professional help when your anxiety begins to take over your life. Proper treatment is important to reduce your risk for self-medicating with alcohol or drugs.

Five of the most common warning signs that your anxiety may need treatment include:

1.Obsessive thoughts

People with anxiety disorders often have obsessive thought patterns that never seem to stop. You may notice you think constantly about random things, many of which are out of your control.

This type of obsessive thinking can leave you feeling exhausted and overwhelmed.

2. Trying to control everything

Though it’s a healthy habit to plan ahead, many with anxiety tend to overplan and ultimately try to control what they can’t.

This need for control can zap your energy and worsen your anxiety.

3. Constant feelings of restlessness

When you’re living with an anxiety disorder, it can be difficult for you to sit still and relax. Many feel constantly restless and feel the need to be doing something at all times.

Restlessness can have a negative impact on your ability to fall asleep or stay asleep, which can negatively affect your physical and mental health.

4. Avoidance

People with social anxiety or phobias tend to avoid interacting with others. You may also notice that you’re beginning to avoid certain responsibilities at home.

Avoidance of the outside world can leave you feeling lonely and isolated. This can lead to deteriorating mental health and complications from depression, thoughts of suicide, or actions of self-harm.

5. Worsening of physical health

Anxiety can take a significant toll on your physical health. You may be more likely to develop chronic health issues like headaches, respiratory distress, and high blood pressure.

When anxiety remains untreated, you’re likely to experience constant fatigue that makes it difficult for you to practice healthy eating and exercise habits, increasing your risk for obesity and related risks.

If you’re struggling to live a happy life because of the effects of anxiety, it’s never too late to get help. You can contact the Klarity Clinic office nearest you online or by phone today to learn more about the benefits of ketamine infusion therapy for anxiety disorders.

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